TuneSick Meets... Raspeck (Full Interview)

TuneSick TuneSick · 3 years ago · 685 views
Jamaican singer and procuer Raspeck sat down to talk about his music and what's in store.
TuneSick Meets... Raspeck (Full Interview)

The world of music is full of so many different and vibrant characters. Raspeck is one of them. Raspeck was inspired by his son to make music. When he was growing up he yearned for music, it was a passion that he never quite got enough of as a child, something that he does not want to repeat for his son. Not having as much music as he would of liked as a child has made him more and more determined to pass on his love and passion to his son SingJahlion.

As well as singing and performing Raspeck his also a producer and manages his own record label. In our recent interview he opened up about his love for music and what inspires him to push it, as well as his plans for the year ahead. Tune in to the full interview here.

Stream Raspeck in high res. 

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